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Well, 'bout
dis time, in comes some
niggers dat played mu-
sic an' b'long' to de ban',
an dey never could git
along widout puttin'
on airs. An' de very
fust air dey put on dat
night, I lit into 'em!
Dey laughed, an' dat
made me wuss. De
res' o' de niggers got to
laughin'g, an' den my
soul alive but I was
hot! My eye was jist
a blazin'g! I jist straight-
ened myself up, so,--
jist as I am is now,--
plum to de ceilin', mos',
--an' I digs my fists into my hips, an' I says, "Look-a-
heah!" I says, "I want you
niggers to understan'
dat I ain't no houn'
dat I wa'nt bawn in de mash to be fool'&
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