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The roof was ornamented with Runic characters and
other grotesque and half-effaced inscriptions, while the sides were
embellished with Gothic tracery, amid which the letters I.H.S., carved
in ancient church text, could be easily distinguished. Tradition
assigned the cell to the priests of Odin, but it was evident that
worshippers at other and holier altars had more recently made it their
retreat. Its present occupant had furnished it with a straw pallet, and
a small wooden crucifix fixed in a recess in the wall. Gently depositing
her upon the pallet, the soldier took a seat beside her on a stone slab
at the foot of the bed. He next, at her request, as the cave was
rendered almost wholly dark by the overhanging trees, struck a light,
and set fire to a candle placed within a lantern.
After a few moments passed in prayer, the recluse begged him to give her
the crucifix that she might clasp it to her breast. This done, she
became more composed, and prepared to meet her
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