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What is the price? It is to give
one's self away. Our soul can realise itself truly only by
denying itself. The Upanishad says,
Thou shalt gain by giving
away [Footnote: Tyaktēna bhuñjīthāh],
Thou shalt not covet.
[Footnote: Mā gridhah]
In Gita we are advised to work disinterestedly, abandoning all
lust for the result. Many outsiders conclude from this teaching
that the conception of the world as something unreal lies at the
root of the so-called disinterestedness preached in India. But
the reverse is true.
The man who aims at his own aggrandisement underrates everything
else. Compared to his ego the rest of the world is unreal. Thus
in order to be fully conscious of the reality of all, one has to
be free himself from the bonds of personal desires. This
discipline we have to go through to prepare ourselves for our
social duties—for sharing the burdens of our fellow-bei
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